Texas Toyz App

This college project was all about taking a local business and designing an app for them. This particular app made good use of a redesign of the Texas Toyz brand, a local comic book/action figure store, and based itself around a flexible shopping experience.
Software(s) Used
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe XD
App Sitemap

The Process
Initially the Texas Toyz brand needed a bit of an update to their look, so a new logo was created. Throughout this whole process, the app was built around being accessible for two main target demographics. These were the less tech-savvy parents of children who may not have as much experience with shopping via apps, and collectors and younger shoppers who know the ins and outs of the superhero collector’s world. Each side of this spectrum would have different needs and wants to make their shopping experience as easy as possible.
The decision was made to give the app a somewhat patriotic color palette with a lot of rich blues as a reference to the iconic Superman-esque hero archetype. A subtle background halftone pattern was used often to lend itself to that established comic book look.
The app was given several important features, including:
Account Creation
Forgot Password/Password Reset
Item/Product Categories
Product Holds
Order Tracker
Customer Reviews & Ratings
Home Screen with Tailored Info, such as New Arrivals, Wishlists, & Recommended Products
Product Search Bar
Contact Info with GoogleMaps functionality
“Power Points” Rewards System