Southside Community Church Redesign

Redesigned Logo


This redesign for a Corporate Identity project was centered around a local Presbyterian church. The aim was to give this “every town’s church” a distinct identity to elevate it above many other typical churches in the Corpus Christi area. Without making it too hip, the new Southside Community Church identity was designed to be clean, modern, crisp, and conservative. It reaches this by having many geometric shapes, sharp angles, and bright corporate blues. Included with the redesign campaign is a business card, identity collateral, social media graphics, merchandise, and of course, the mighty annual report.

Software(s) Used

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Indesign


The Process

Southside Community Church was selected for this rebranding Corporate Identity project because it was simply a local church with little to no unique brand. It could be swapped out for any other small church in any other city. With this in mind, I sought to give this church an updated, cohesive brand. A brand style guide was created, which can be found here if you wish to see all the details. With this foundation, many different pieces of design collateral were created.

The Logo

During my research of Southside Community Church, one of the leaders there had expressed a desire to remain a somewhat old-fashioned, serious church rather than some of the hip, cool, more youth-driven churches of today. With that in mind, a new logo was created. With a solid 3D cross as the mark, given a reverent, upwards perspective, the logo bridges the gap between clean, modernized design, and the serious, driven religious respect that the church wanted to maintain.

Identity System

With the new brand identity, an identity system had to be created. This pack includes a business card, envelope, letterhead, shirt design, and even a simple coffee mug.


Facebook Profile Photo

Facebook Cover Photo

Sample Facebook Ad

Facebook Mockup

Social Media Graphics

Since Facebook is the church’s main social media platform, it would make sense to create some Facebook-centered social media graphics. This includes a profile picture, cover photo, and a sample Facebook ad.


Mailchimp Newsletter

This emailed newsletter through Mailchimp serves as a celebration and a notification. The Southside Community Church does actually go on annual mission trips to the Dominican Republic, so it seemed a fitting event. A demonstration of the functional animated newsletter can be found here.


Annual Report

The biggest individual part of this rebrand, the annual report takes the finances, accomplishments, events, staff credits, and other info from the 2018 year, turning it into an easily digestible document. A full .PDF of the annual report can be downloaded here.


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